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2004-06-24 - 8:15 a.m.

I not really sure where to begin�

Tomorrow we have a MAJOR release going out. This is going to add lots of features, change parts of the interface�and basically make the application different all around.

I have not been given the specifics of the new release yet by the developers. This means that I cannot update the training materials yet, let alone familiarize myself with the changes and additions so that I can train and support the application.

I have been informed that I am to go up to Baltimore today to assist with training 8 new users.


Oh well�mine is not to question why�As long as they pay my salary I�ll keep doing what they ask of me. I just wish that sometimes they would ask me what I think.

Sometimes I think that I am living the Dilbert life. Sigh�

My latest frustration�vehicle maintenance. How does the dealership expect you to get your car serviced when they are only open from 8 am to 5 pm? Yeah I know I can take it in on the weekend�along with EVERY other person in the world here�but come on folks�work with us here. Oh well�I should be happy that it will cost me all of �oh right�nothing to get this work done to the Pony, so I really shouldn�t complain.

My new stereo rack should be getting here today�provided of course that I am back from Baltimore in time to meet the UPS guy. Oh I hope I am. This has been a hang up with getting the house set up for a week or more now. I don�t know what it is about me�but until that piece of the puzzle is put in place I really can�t move on to finishing up the rest of the place.

I am looking forward to having everything unpacked though. Living with boxes really kinda sucks.

So I am almost vibrating with excitement over the new Spiderman movie. It will be released in�count them�.6 DAYS! WooHoo! I can hardly wait.

Well I guess that is it for today. I have to get ready to roll on out to Baltimore�yippie.

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