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2002-09-04 - 8:57 a.m.

Good morning world�

As is with all Wednesdays, it�s comic day�But for some reason it is not something I�m looking forward to today. Couldn�t tell ya why�I�m just not all jazzed up by it.

The SHO and I get to spend lunch over at the garage this afternoon. I am hoping that we can find the source of the gas smell with out too much trouble. I don�t think it is too serious of a problem�well serious as in causing the car to not run, not like gas goes boom serious. Well anyhow�I do have a �moist� injector, so I am hoping that that is the cause of my smell.

So last week would have been 4 years for me�kinda funny how that day came and went and I didn�t pay any mind to it. In fact it wasn�t till the weekend was over that I realized that that day had come and gone�thanks for the distraction guys�you know who you are.

Life at work has been very cold this week. It turns out that I sit right under one of the A/C vents. So I get to spend all day bathed in an arctic blast. No wonder my hands feel like a polar bears butt (Really Freakin Cold!)by lunch. Unfortunatly there is nothing short of taping the vent shut that I can do to halt that chilly blast. Oh well�like I have always said, better cold than hot any day.

So lemme ask all of ya a question�What feature would your perfect house have? I know many of ya would think that my answer would be a garage or something like that, but to tell ya the truth it would be a screened porch. My whole life I grew up around these wonderful things. I think the best one had to have been my grandfathers. I say this because my uncle patterned the one he built after it, and so did my stepfather. It was 15�x15� or there abouts, with screen on three sides. Now what made the screen so special was it was copper, which meant not only did it have a neat color, but also it was very strong (as screen goes). Because it was such tough stuff, it didn�t need the bracing that nylon of aluminum screen needs, so you get to have screen from ceiling to floor with no horizontal bracing. This of course makes for unobstructed views of the world. I remember as a kid doing almost everything on the porch. I ate breakfast out there, I built models on that porch, and best of all I would watch thunderstorms on that porch. I would pull a chair to the middle of the porch, bundle up in a blanket, and watch the rain come down, the lightning flash, and listen to the thunder roll. I tell ya, it didn�t get any better than that. So I ask again�what feature would your perfect house have?

Well the boss lady just walked in the door (a half-hour late!) so I had best try to pretend to do some work today. Sigh�that�s hard to do though when you don�t have anything on your �plate� at the moment. Oh well better to look busy than to get stuck with busy work.

Today I learned that the short poem �road red, toad dead� really is an accurate description. Last night on my walk there were hundreds of toads out and about�and unfortunatly there were also lots of squashed toads on the road�and yes the road was indeed red. Blech!

So what have you learned today?

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