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2003-02-13 - 9:44 a.m.

So there was no entry yesterday�guess what that says about how my day went?

I just don�t fuckin get it. The library complains that folks think we suck ass�because we do. And one of the reasons that this so, is because we can�t seem to effectively staff our facilities. There was one person working at my branch yesterday from noon to 2:30pm. Yeah that�s right�for two and a half hours I was by myself in this god forsaken hole that Norfolk calls a Library. How many rules and regulations do you think I was breaking outright? Yep�most of em. What I �should� have done was close the branch until another employee could be here. But I couldn�t kick out the 35+ folks that we had in the building because Norfolk can�t seem to hire people to staff their fucking facilities. So I sucked it up and hoped that no one would try and hold up the place��Gimme all your library cards desk jockey!�oh and hey, while your at it�do you think you could renew some books for me?�

I just don�t understand it. First off this City is only something like 55 square miles. It is Fuckin tiny�but we still have 13 library branches here. WHY!!! For the love of Pete�get rid of most of them. Invest in 2 or 3 high quality branches and get rid of all the little shitty ones. There is no reason to have that many branches in such a small city. Yes, the idea of having a neighborhood library is wonderful�but with the weak ass budget that we have all we can manage are half-assed branches�which are useless.

If I were Evil OverLord  I would close EVERY SINGLE BRANCH in Norfolk with the exception of Kirn (our main branch), and then set in motion the construction of 2 other branches in the city, one in the north and one in the south west of the city. That would place a library within 5 miles of just about everybody in the city. I don�t think that is unreasonable. The problem is that as soon as talk of closing a branch gets out�the neighborhoods, the residents of Norfolk, the Action Groups get their panties all in a bunch and start crying, bitching, and making claims that the City no longer cares about it�s residents. Funny thing is, all these folks who are raising such a stink about the closings haven�t set foot in ANY of the libraries in Norfolk in years. They go to Central Library in VA Beach just like most everyone else in this city. It is my opinion that the City just needs to grow a pair and tell it�s residents to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up�and let us do our job. I mean for Christ�s sake folks�beg, borrow, or steal some vision. Look at the big picture, look to the future, try and see past your own god damn nose. It isn�t all about you �it is about all of us.

So yesterday I had the Deaf Woman show up again. Now don�t get me wrong�she is a very nice lady, but she is playing havoc on my voice. Two and a half hours of taking at my top volume (without shouting) starts to hurt after a while.

Heh�I bet she is in class again today as well. Thats ok though�I think that I am going to be taking tomorrow off. I SO need a break. Problem there is, I don�t want to rat fuck my co-workers (un-like the slack ass children�s specialist who tries to rat fuck us at every opportunity. Did I mention that I suggested to the Bossman that he ask for the doctor�s note that recommended for her to take the past 7 days off from work? I am such a dick�). So I am in the process of trying to secure some overtime authorization for some of my other co-workers, something that they are always happy to get. But if not�well I guess that I am going to have to go in�fuckin work ethic�bah!

Oh and hey all�get this�I�m FAMOUS!!!! I am in a ballad(e)! I mean how amazingly fucking cool is that! Just out of the Blue(snicker), BlueDuke decided to write a (can I call it a poem?) thing about me (well and Badger also) and Yimir and my smithing and participation in the thrown weapons tourney and stuff. It is so very cool. If you haven�t had a chance to read it yet what are you waiting for? GO READ IT NOW!!!

Today I learned that�um�Today I learned that�Well shit, what have I learned today? Oh yeah now I remember! I learned that Science Girls are hot�and they know all sorts of really cool stuff like:

The universe is made up of:

4% atoms, like the same ordinary stuff that makes up potatoes, cats and water. (ingredients for a stew?)

23% of the still unknown dark matter (I am the matter that lurks in the dark! I am Bat Dark�? Bat matter?�er�nevermind.)

73% of the mysterious dark energy, which sort of acts like anti-gravity. (the force?)

And then there is all of this other really cool stuff about red shifting and blue shifting�which is kinda like speed shifting and double clutching I guess�which makes me think that the Universe must be a manual as opposed to an automatic�which is cool by me, cause manuals make for better performance.

Well anyhow�even though I only understand about half of what she was talking about�it is still very cool stuff.

So on to you my friends�what have you learned today?

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