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2002-07-15 - 10:06 a.m.

The world is out to get me�or at least the world of cars are�

No this has nothing to do with the SHO this time. Today I was at the gas station when I noticed that the Jeep has developed quite a coolant leak. But is it a cheap and easy to replace hose�no. It is the radiator it�s self. Sigh�here goes another $200 in to that hole I call car ownership. Ah well�at least it will be an easy fix, and I have needed to replace the thing. See the last time I had a problem with the radiator, the water pump failed driving the fan blades into the core�fortunately it was a fairly simple side of the road fix, and my radiator was not leaking too bad when all was said and done. So, a bottle of bars leak and I was on my way�and yes before you ask, I am going to try the $1.99 solution of another bottle of bars leak, an egg white, and some pepper. Bet ya didn�t know that pepper will make a good temporary fix to a leaky radiator and for an even better fix, use and egg white or two.

So I found out that today is Pirate day at work, only no one informed me about it. The boss came in with an eye patch on, a co-worker with one of those frilly pirate like shirts, and me�I am sitting here in a Bruins cap, jeans, and a very non-pirate button down shirt. (cause I know you are dying to know�it turns out that the bosses son jabbed his finger in her eye, tearing her cornea. I am not sure what that means as far as permanent damage�but I am sure I will find out by the end of the day).

Ahhh Monday, sweet Monday. If only it didn�t take me most of the day to finally wake up. I guess that I am so very tired today because I stayed up plate hanging out with friends watching mooovies. It was quite the pleasant evening. Had dinner with Eduninj�er�Educaitlin, and her hubby the Samurai�samuari something. I have to think on that one some more. Ole Puckeater was there as well. Needless to say fun was had by all (I hope!) Dinner was good, but I tell ya even bad food in good company makes for a good dinner. After food we headed back to my place to kill some time before our movie showed. I tell ya what, my dogs manners go right out the window when company shows up. Suddenly it is grunt grunt�pet me pet me, scratch my butt oh please scratch my butt�And will he listen to me then�oh no. And if on the off chance he does, he has to have the last word.

Me: Casey�GO lay down�

Casey: grunt�

Me: Look, don�t sass me�

Casey: groan

Me: Ok, now look you are the dog�go lay down and that is the end of it�


Me: I thought so�.


Me: sigh�..

As for the movie, we saw Reign of Fire. It was cool�Bottom line, yeah�I liked it. Could it have been better�yes. More gun duels with the dragons�better tactics, things like that would have been nice. With better action scenes regarding people vs dragons this could have been a spectacular movie. Well it could have been a really good movie.

After the movie, it was home for me, and straight to bed. In fact I remember lying there wondering how long it takes me to fall asleep when I am slightly tired. I think I got that thought off�and then I was out. Ahh it is a gift. The ability to fall asleep quickly is not something that I ever want to do without.

Now sleep is where things get really odd. I had quite a few very unsettling dreams last night. Unfortunately I can only remember one, and now that I have started to think about it, I find the memory fleeting. But any how, lemme see what I can do.

This dream involved the beach, a house (mine I think) some friends (I have no idea who though), and a pile of stuff. This stuff consisted of a day shade, some car parts, tools, blacksmithing �stuff�, and bucket. So here we go. Friends and I are at the beach. The beach has a fairly steep slope to it. The ocean stretches off in to the distance and visibility is perfect. The ocean is also fairly calm, but the waves are constant. I talk with the friends some about this and that. He is sitting there under the day shade and she is lying out (under the day shade, trying to get a tan I think). I then decide to go play in the water. I head down the beach to a different section of sand. This one has a shorter stretch of sand, and a steeper drop to the water. Still nothing out of the ordinary though. I am now on my way into the water, but as soon as my feet touch the water, the waves become less gentle. The have begun to increase in size. Undaunted I head out into the water. There I play in and out of the waves, riding over the middle sized ones and diving under the big ones. Still none of the waves are too big. It was then that the dream cut to the beach looking out at the water view. There I was in and among much bigger waves. The ocean has officially gotten rough. I don�t seem to mind though. I am splashing about as if nothing has really changed. Now here is where things get a bit weird. Suddenly the waves stop. Keep in mind the sun is shining, there are a few clouds in the sky, but the ocean is acting like it was just turned off. Then off on the horizon there is a HUGE wave. I am not scared by this, just worried that it is going to displace all my stuff. So I hustle back up on shore, gather all my things, and then there I am, Standing in front of my house (not the one I live in now�more of a collection oh house I have lived in, in the past) It is now raining. Not storming, just raining. It is gray and cold. The rain is coming at a fairly heavy steady pace. I take my stuff in the house, check on my dog who is ok (cause remember the wave is coming). When I am satisfied that every thing is ok, I am back at the ocean. The rain is gone. And here comes the wave. I remember looking at my friends who were scared, and telling them that things would be ok. The just needed to hunker down and hold their breath. He ran, she did not. Then the wave hit�hard. But I was hunkered down on the beach, my back to the wave, my breath held. Then BOOM!!! I was slammed from behind, and thrown down to the sand. Then the wave was gone, and receding back to the ocean. I was a bit sore, but fine. Both friends were gone. I had the feeling that she was ok, but he was lost. I then realize that all of my �stuff� from earlier (the stuff that I had taken home) was now awash in the water. I then hustle out into the water and begin to retrieve my things. Just as I get the stuff back to the beach, the ocean again calms�and again in the distance you can see the huge wave from before forming again. Again I see my remaining friend, who is scared. I tell her to do the same thing. I prepare myself, the wave hits. Again it hurts but I seem to be ok. But as the water is washing over me, I open my eyes, and there is my friend. She says she is too scared, and this is too hard, and she can�t do it any more, and she is then swept out to sea as the wave receded. Upset by this and by the fact that all my stuff has again been swept out into the ocean, I go to retrieve it. I know that my friend is gone now. I collect as much of my stuff as I can find, but this time it is not all there. Then I am at the house again. It is still raining. In fact the yard is flooding. But the water is only a few inches deep. Inside my dog is fine, and my stuff is all there. How odd, since I lost a fair amount of it at the beach. Then I am back at the beach. And as soon as I turn around this time the wave hits me, and I am unprepared. I am tumbled over and over, until I get a purchase on something. There I hang on tight, until the wave recedes. This time there is no stuff, just me. Then the wave comes again. Only this time I am standing there looking at it. It hits, and knocks me off my feet. Again I am tumbled and tumbled till I find something to grab a hold of. This keeps happening over and over again. But I know that it is still raining at home.

At this point I wake up.

Not sure what to make of this dream. But then I have never been one to look in dreams for hidden meanings. Make of it what you will. Feel free to share what you think it means if you want.

So today I learned that�that�well today I have yet to learn something new. Fortunately it is only 10 am. and there is still plenty of time left to learn something.

So, what have you learned today?

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