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2002-10-16 - 9:43 a.m.

What a morning�

I woke up this morning to the sound of rain�Cold rain. Geez, If I didn�t know better I would say that I was back at Tech. Cold, damp, windy, gray�it is all part of being a Hokie. But I am not in South West Virginia anymore�

On a better note�today is comic day! The problem is I am not sure when I will get the chance to get to the store. I am leaving early from work today so that I can get to the Dojo before class starts. That way I can pay my dues, get my stylish ninja suit with kung fu action grip, and meet Sensei Hamada (if I am lucky). No I�m not nervous at all�no really. Well anyhow, back to comics. Looks like today is going to be a better week than last. I hope so. Last week was kinda slim pickins for good reads.

So, as promised, here is the next chapter in the Crusades story�enjoy�or something.

When last we left our Hero�Moments earlier Master Graveson did engage in noble battle with the despicable Cricket, a notorious doer of no-good. The battle was a tenuous one, but Master Gravson, inspired by the need to protect his lady wife and his guests, defeated the Evil Cricket. Master Graveson delivered a blow so powerful to Cricket that he was driven from sight�and left to die from his wounds under the sofa.

Laying there battered and broken, Cricket knew his time in this world was soon coming to an end. The Master of the house had shattered his body, but not his spirit and mind. Cricket, a master of the dark arts, mustered the last of his energy�and cast his last spell. Crickets lifeless body crumbled to dust under the sofa, but his Spirit had moved. It had inhabited a new body.

As our Hero stretched himself out, relaxing in the soft embrace of the leather sofa that was to be his bed that night he began to drift. Sleep had almost taken hold of him when a sound tore through his consciousness like a bolt of lightning. Chh�iir�ppppp. He instantly sat up and glanced around. Scanning the darkness looking for the source of the noise. But there was nothing�except that familiar pressure on his bladder. Convinced that the sound must have been his imagination, our hero got up and stumbled through the darkness to the bathroom to relieve himself before returning to comforting embrace of sleep.

Cricket screamed in frustration as he finished the last of the transfer incantation. His intended vessel had suddenly left, the spell had now become unstable. Fear flooded through Cricket, with the intended vessel gone, the spell would force him into something...but what? No, it cannot end like this Cricket thought�I am destined for glory. I am to be a power in the universe�that old hag had foretold it�

Our Hero, feeling MUCH better returned to the sofa. Anticipating it�s sweet embrace and sleep that will soon accompany it, our Hero smoothed out his blanket, fluffed his pillow�and collapsed upon the sofa.

But as he drifted off to sleep, a nagging thought entered his mind�Something is wrong�

Cricket screamed as the transfer took place. Four times before he had gone through this transformation and each time the pain grew worse. Cricket knew that his spirit could not endure this many more times. He knew the pain would only get worse�and then his spirit, no longer be able to endure the change would be torn apart, gone forever. Cricket was gone�now a desiccating shell under the sofa�

Sofa suddenly became aware, and he was cranky. Imagine suddenly being dropped into an icy cold stream while asleep. That is how Sofa came into being. And the without warning, something crashed down on him. All along his length a great weight was pressing down on him, making it hard to breathe, hard to think. What was happening? What is going on! And then like a flood, the former Crickets memories came back in a flood. NOOOO! He had transferred to the sofa! A freaking Sofa! NOOOOOO!!!!!

Hours went by, and Sofa brooded. Angered by the twist of fate that had happened, Sofa began thinking of a way to get revenge on the Master of the house. The one who had caused him, The Greatest Evil Overlord to walk the earth, to now inhabit a sofa. But first Sofa needed to be rid of this thing that was snoring on him. Sofa began to shrink. Not much, only 6 inches or so, enough that no one would ever notice, but enough that the great lump on him would be forced to scrunch up. Sofa then knocked the sleeper�s pillows on the floor. Next Sofa began to work the sheet out from between him and his unaware victim. If Sofa could come into direct contact with the sleeper he could siphon off it�s energy, slowly replacing his own spent energy, and once he had enough, he could again make the transfer to a new vessel. He just had to be patient.

The next morning our Hero awoke from a fitful night. His head had been forced up at a weird angle upon the arm of the Sofa, and he was scrunched all up. His neck was screaming in agony from being slept on, his legs and back were sore from being scrunched up all night, and as he sat up on the Sofa he groaned in pain as his skin peeled off the leather. How odd the Hero thought to him self. I could have sworn that I fit perfectly on this sofa last night�Hmm, must have been more tired than I thought. Oh well�

Our Hero then proceeded to turn his neck this way and that loosening up that kink that had developed during the night. He then stood up, stretching as he went. And in moments, he was feeling alive and refreshed again, despite the Sofa�s attempts to ruin his sleep.

Moments later Master Graveson came wandering to the kitchen, intent on making coffee. And our Hero, a smile on his face, left the Sofa behind with out a second thought. Ahh�what a wonderful day this is going to be�

Meenwhile Sofa Screamed in anger and frustration. There was the Master of the house�the man responsible for locking him in a sofa, and he could do nothing about it. He would be forced to lay in wait, slowly regaining his strength until the day came to make his escape�

Coming tomorrow�The Chair�.

Well I guess that is all I can do for today. Class starts in about 15 minutes, and I have a few thing that I have to get done yet. So till then�

Today I learned that there are a ton of web sites that deal with Aikido. I think that I am going to do a bit of research today. Maybe I won�t be totally clueless when I walk in to the Dojo then.

And y�all�what have you learned?

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